Dealing With the Devil: It’s Okay to Be Okay
January 7, 2024

Dealing With the Devil: It’s Okay to Be Okay

Passage: Luke 4:14-21, 31-37

Here's the thing: the holiday season, the start of a new year, it's easy to put on a good face and act like everything is okay. When in reality many of us are struggling. 1 in 5 people deal with mental health issues and the number is growing each day. It's a real issue that we cannot stay silent on because frankly Jesus wouldn't. When Jesus went around and preached the good news of the gospel he didn't just preach and teach - he healed, he cast out demons, he had compassion on those who were sick, hurting, and oppressed.

Why? Because Jesus wants us to experience the fullness of life. The abundant life.

God loves you, but he also cares for you. He cares what you're going through and we are all facing battles of some kind. So let's get real. Let's be real. Let's have real conversations about mental health so we can live the life God intends for us.